Discord is a VOIP application that is simple to use and quite friendly. It is a leading chat server that is quite famous among gamers, business people, and social groups. It works on the server model to connect easily with like-minded people. Additionally, some bots make Discord even better.
But the unique feature is the Discord text formatting. Right from bold to the strikethrough text, there are various options that you can try with just simple commands and tags.
So, let us explore the top Discord text tricks to make your message unique and lucid for the readers. But before that, let us check the Markdown Text formatting system on which Discord is based.
Discord’s formatting method is “Markdown Text,” based on Perl programming language. The primary idea behind Markdown is that it is simpler to use than HTML while providing similar aesthetic effects and without the need for opening and closing tags.
It allows users to simply input regular text together with the formatting codes, resulting in a wide range of visual effects with minimal effort on the person sending the message. This provides the ability to bold, underline, and highlight text, among other things.
So, let us explore the most common font formatting, and also, let’s find the answer to the question of how to strikethrough on Discord?
Text Type | Example | Display |
Bold | **Discord** | Discord |
italics | *Discord* | Discord |
Underline | __Discord__ | Discord |
Strikethrough | ~~Discord~~ | |
Bold & Italics | ***Discord*** | Discord |
Bold & Underline | __**Discord**__ | Discord |
Italics & Underline | __*Discord*__ | Discord |
Bold, Italics, & Underline | __***Discord***__ | Discord |
Bold, Italics, Underline, & Strikethrough | ~~ __***Discord***__~~ |
To bold, add two asterisks (**) at the beginning and the end of the text.
Example – **Discord**
Display Result- Discord
To italicize, add one asterisk (*) at the beginning and the end of the text.
Example – *Discord*
Display Result- Discord
To underline, add two underscores (__) at the text’s beginning and end.
Example – __Discord__
Display Result- Discord
To strikethrough, add two tildes (~~) at the text’s beginning and end.
Example – ~~Discord~~
Display Result-Discord
This is one of the most prominent questions that might arise. The users can combine any of the above and create combination text effects.
The most common text effects and their way to enter is given below:
It will have three asterisks (***) at the beginning and the end of the text.
Example – ***Discord***
Display Result- Discord
It can be done with two underscores (__) and two asterisks (**) at the beginning and end of the text.
Example – __**Discord**__
Display Result- Discord
It can be created using the underscores (__) and an asterisk (*), both at the beginning and the end of the text.
Example – __*Discord*__
Display Result- Discord
This will need three asterisks (***) and two underscores (__), both at the beginning and end of the text.
Example – __***Discord***__
Display Result- Discord
This will need three asterisks (***), two tildes (~~), and two underscores (__), both at the beginning and end of the text.
Example – ~~ __***Discord***__~~
Display Result-Discord
Block quoting is simple than other markdown tips you only have to Press greater-than sign > and Press Space bar then type the words that you want to add in ‘Block Quote’.
Example – > Quote Messages on Discord
Display Result-
Quote Messages on Discord
You can use the Code Block functionality to highlight code in the text. While this isn’t an exact quote, it does allow you to create a language that sticks out visually. For this, you will be required to add the grave accent (`) character at the beginning and end of the text.
Example – `Discord`
Display Result- Discord
(The display is just for reference only)
The multi-line code blocks can also be created by using three grave accent signs (“`) at the beginning and end of the text.
If you are planning to add some spoiler alert for movies or series in your chat, then you can highlight the same in Discord. For this, you would be required to add two pipe characters (||) at the text’s beginning and end.
Example – ||Discord||
Display Result- Discord
(The display is just for reference only)
Discord is one of the best applications for accessing multiple servers and using font edits. Simple to use and friendly, this is primarily used by gamers and business people alike.
So, if you are sharing some important information or message, using the Discord text tricks is one of the best and simplest options to go for.
So, if you are looking for the answer to how to cross-out words in Discord, follow the method suggested above and create amazing and visually appealing messages in no time.
Tips For Discord
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